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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Mary J. Blige - No More Drama

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Where does anger go??

Today was a beautiful day, not because anything special happened, it was just a beautiful day. I was grateful for the opportunity to relax and explore the recesses of my mind because "anger" has been on my mind a lot lately.
Not the kind of anger that produces outward inappropriate reactions but the kind of anger that is unresolved, unacknowledged, prolonged and simmering type of anger that just appears and disappears without warning. I know that anger is a God given emotion and the way that we respond to that emotion determines whether or not that anger becomes a sin. I also realize that my anger is a signal that something is wrong.
I suppose what I am most angry about has been simmering for a long time, things that I tell other folks to "let go" of I have found myself revisiting on cue. The triggers that provoke those buried feelings of betrayal, abandonment, shame, fear and hopelessness usually occur when I began to  feel things in my life are out of control.
What I realized in my time of contemplation is that I am not in control! These feelings of unresolved anger make take me a life time to resolve, dare I say that I am not alone in this journey?? (smile) The emotional symtoms of anxiety, fear, bitterness, compulsion, insecurity and sometimes hatred is what keeps a lot of us in bondage.
"I see that you are full of bitteness and captive to sin." Acts 8:23
This is the type of bondage that distorts your thinking, your sense of purpose, you become a prisoner to your circumstances, you fail to hear the Spirit of God, and ultimately you lose faith.
So rather than allow the enemy to gather any more momentum I have determined myself to willingly admit that I have unresolved anger, ask God to reveal any buried anger in my heart, seek to determine the reason(s) for my past anger and just talk it out with God.
Knowing that there are no do-overs from my childhood I can fully acknowledge that I can demonstrate God's grace in my life by placing all that anger on the cross with Christ. As I begin to allow God to use my anger for good, I will become an example to others and bring praise to Him.

"Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven"
Matthew 5:16

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Looking forward....

I am looking forward to sharing my thoughts on breaking free.....Since I am still learning myself and hope to continue to learn more I am looking forward to sharing my thoughts and hearing some of yours!